How to Create a QFX File

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QFX is an Intuit Quicken proprietary file format for exchanging financial data with banks and other Intuit applications. The QFX specification is similar to the OFX file format used by financial institutions for exporting data. Banks and financial institutions can create QFX files for their customers if the institution pays a fee to Intuit. However, you can create QFX files by converting Intuit Quicken or QuickBooks QIF files, text files and spreadsheets into the QFX format using a special Excel add-in software tool.


Step 1

Open Microsoft Excel.

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Step 2

Click "File" and "Import." Click the "OFX Writer" option to open the add-in. The OFX Writer dialog box opens.

Step 3

Click the radio button next to the "QIF Format" option in the Data Format section to import a QIF file. Otherwise, click the radio button next to the "Other" option, then click the drop-down box and select the file type for the import. Click the "CSV" option to import a comma separated value text file, or click the "XLS" option to import an Excel spreadsheet into the QFX Writer program.


Step 4

Click the "Browse" button. A file navigation window opens.

Step 5

Navigate to and click on the QIF or other data file to import. Click the "Import" button. The file loads. Click "OK." A second dialog box opens.


Step 6

Click the radio button next to the application you intend to import the data file to. For example, click the radio button next to "Quicken" to import the resulting QFX file into Quicken.


Step 7

Click the radio button next to your location. Click "USA" for a USA locale, or click "Canada" or the "UK" if appropriate.


Step 8

Click the "Use Default BID" check box.

Step 9

Click the "Account Name" drop-down box and click the name of the financial institution for the file. If the Account Name does not appear in the list, click the "Reset" button, then type the name of the account into the input box.


Step 10

Click the "Account Type" drop-down box and click on the type of account. For example, click "Checking" to designate a checking account.

Step 11

Click the "Currency" drop-down box and click on the currency type. Click "USD - US Dollar" for the U.S. Dollar.


Step 12

Type the "Routing Number" into the Routing Number input box.

Step 13

Type the "Account Number" into the Account Number input box.

Step 14

Click the radio button next to "All Available Rows" in the Rows to Export section, to export the entire file.


Step 15

Click "Continue." The selected file is converted to the QFX format.

Step 16

Import the QFX file into Intuit Quicken or QuickBooks, or use the file with Microsoft Money.

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