How to Delete Numbers in Caller ID on a V-Tech Phone

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VTech, otherwise knows as Video Technology Ltd., is a Hong Kong based manufacturer of cordless and corded telephone systems. VTech phones feature a built-in caller ID display that automatically stores calling information from previous callers. You can typically view the last 50 to 99 calls, depending on your specific phone model. If you don't want to store the numbers of callers, you can delete them from the caller ID log.


Step 1

Press the "CID" button on your VTech phone.

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Step 2

Use the up and down arrows to find the specific caller ID entry you want to delete. Press the "Select" button.

Step 3

Select the "Delete" option to remove the caller ID entry. Your VTech phone will confirm that you want to delete the selected entry. Press "Select" to complete the deletion process.


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