How to Fix a "No Disc Error" on a Philips DVD Player

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Play DVDs in a Philips DVD player.

The popular electronics company Philips produces a wide range of electronic products, including several makes of DVD player. While these DVD players range in size and price, most rarely run into playback issues. However, you may see a "No Disc Error" appear on the television screen or on the small LCD screen at the front of the DVD player, even after a disc is inserted into the drive. Typically the issue is related to the disc itself and is correctable through a few troubleshooting steps.


Step 1

Press the "Open Tray" button on the front of the Philips DVD player. Look to make sure the disc is correctly placed on the disc tray. If the disc is off center the DVD player cannot read the content and will produce the "No Disc Error."

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Step 2

Check the disc to make sure the data side of the disc is facing down (the label facing up). If the disc is inserted upside down the Philips DVD player states the error message.


Step 3

Remove the disc from the DVD player. Some Philips DVD players do not read self created DVDs (this varies from what model and model year you are using). Insert a standard movie DVD purchased from the store and insert it into the disc tray. The movie loads without any issue.


Step 4

Clean off the bottom of the DVD with a damp cloth to remove any dirt, debris or fingerprints from the disc. If the Philips DVD player is unable to read the disc it displays the "No Disc Error" message. Allow the DVD to dry before inserting it back into the disc tray.

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