"World of Warcraft" ("WoW") is an online massive multiplayer role-playing game (MMORPG) which allows gamers from around the world to connect and join in throughout virtual realms in-game together. In "World of Warcraft," players have the ability to create characters, build the character's skills over time and earn money completing quests or joining guilds with other members. If you are experiencing lag spikes while playing "WoW," a few solutions are possible depending on your own computer and solution preference.
Step 1
Close all programs any additional software that is open while you are playing "WoW." Having other games and programs will slow your computer's memory and may cause lag to occur in-game.
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Step 2
Exit your Internet browser and close any other device using the Internet to ensure your "WoW" game is getting the most out of your Internet's highest speed and bandwidth.
Step 3
Increase your computer's RAM to help speed its overall processing up while playing "WoW." Additional RAM is available for purchase online and from local electronic and computer stores.
Step 4
Open your ""WoW settings in-game and set your graphics and video settings lower, reducing the amount of power and RAM your computer will need to run the game smoothly. Turn the graphic and video settings all to "Low" and restart the game to test out the speed online.
Step 5
Download or subscribe to a "WoW" latency fixing service or program, such as subscribing to Reduce the Lag (reducethelag.com) or downloading and installing Leatrix Latency Fix (wowinterface.com). Some lag reducing services cost a monthly fee but will allow smooth access while gaming in "WoW."
Step 6
Switch your current Internet service provider or call your current provider to inquire about possible speed upgrades and costs, as you may not have the fastest Internet service available in your local area.
Video of the Day
- WoW-Pro: How to Reduce "WoW" Lag
- Fix Computer: Tutorial: How to Get Rid of lag in "WoW?"
- PC Gamer: "World of Warcraft" Has 12 Million Active Subscribers
- Battle: "World of Warcraft"
- WoWWiki: "World of Warcraft" Universe Guide
- Joystiq: "WoW" Insider: "WoW" News, Guides and Analysis
- Reduce the Lag: Lower Your "World of Warcraft" Ping Permanently
- "WoW" Interface: Leatrix Latency Fix: "WoW" Tools & Utilities