How to Get Rid of TribalFusion

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Image Credit: Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock/Getty Images

TribalFusion is a spyware tracking cookie that installs on your computer and tracks your browsing habits; it sends the information to its main server and other third-party advertisers. It gathers potentially sensitive information such as email addresses, usernames, where you shop and how many times you shop, and it exposes this information to others. TribalFusion tracking cookies can be removed manually or using a power anti-virus program with spyware removal. This ensures that vital information remains protected.


Step 1

Launch Internet Explorer and click the "Tools" button. Scroll down and choose "Internet Options."

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Step 2

Click the "General" tab and choose "Settings" under Temporary Internet Files. Click "View Files." Scroll down and delete the following files: TribalFusion TribalFusion.txt


Step 3

Download AVG Antivirus with Spyware removal free (see "Additional Resources," below). Install it on your computer.

Step 4

Launch your program after it has installed and click the "Updates" button to install new virus and spyware definitions.



Step 5

Click "Computer Scanner" on the left panel and select "Change scan settings" under "Scan whole computer."

Step 6

Place a check on "Scan for Tracking Cookies" and click "Scan."When the scan is complete, delete all the detected TribalFusion tracking cookies. Close the anti-virus program.

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