How to Hook Up a PC Computer to a Sanyo TV

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Most large flat-screen TVs today can be used as high-resolution computer monitors. As a rule, desktop PCs have two video output ports, such as Digital Video Interface (DVI) ones that permit you to connect two monitors. However, some TVs, including Sanyo models, have a High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) video input instead of DVI. In this case, use a standard DVI-to-HDMI video cable to connect your PC to your TV.


Step 1

Shut down your computer.

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Step 2

Plug a DVI connector of the video cable to the available DVI video output on the back panel of your computer.

Step 3

Plug the other HDMI end of the video cable into a HDMI port of your Sanyo TV.


Step 4

Press the “Input” key on the Sanyo remote control. Then use arrow keys to select “HDMI” and press “Enter” to set the TV input to the HDMI channel.

Step 5

Turn on your computer and then log in to a user account in Windows.


Step 6

Click the "Start" button to bring up the Windows start menu. Then click "Control Panel."


Step 7

Select the option "Adjust screen resolution" in the Control Panel to open a new window, "Display settings," that contains two square icons labeled as "1" and "2." The icon "2" represents the TV monitor.


Step 8

Click on the icon "2," and choose one of the following options--"Duplicate my Desktop on all monitors (mirrored)" or "Show different parts my desktop on each display (extended)"--to set the configuration for the TV monitor.

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