How to Make a Bar & Line Graph in Excel

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The Excel spreadsheet program allows users to create spreadsheets of data and transform these spreadsheets into charts and graphs for easy data comparison. Excel offers a number of different graph types, including bar graphs, line graphs, column graphs and pie graphs. If you want, you can combine these different graph types to create a hybrid chart.


Step 1

Launch Excel. Click the "File" tab and select the "New" option from the File menu to create a new Excel spreadsheet.

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Step 2

Enter the data for the graph into the cells. Enter the data you want to appear in the bar graph in one row and the data you want to appear in the line graph in an entirely separate row. Each piece of data must be entered into its own cell. For the bar graph, each cell will become its own bar. For the line graph, each cell will represent a specific point on the line.


Step 3

Click on the first data-containing cell (upper-left corner) and drag the mouse cursor to the last data-containing cell (bottom-right corner) to highlight all of the cells that contain data.

Step 4

Click the "Insert" tab, followed by the "Bar" option beneath the "Charts" heading. Select the "Stacked Bar" option from the Bar menu to transform the data into a bar chart. By default, the data entered in the first row appears as a blue bar, while the data entered in the second row appears as a red bar.



Step 5

Click on the data series that you want to change to the line portion of the graph (the red bar, for example). Click the "Design" tab, followed by the "Change Chart Type" option beneath the "Type" heading. Click the "Line" option and select the type of line chart you want to use from the Line menu. The data series you selected will now be transformed into a line chart, giving you a bar and line graph.

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