Your computer's desktop is a multi-function interface, serving as one of the primary control centers for your computer. The desktop's system tray lets you adjust volume settings and network connections, the taskbar displays open windows, the background creates a personalized desktop aesthetic and default icons let you launch several different Windows programs. If you want to launch websites from your desktop, it has this functionality too. You can create desktop links to any URL in less than one minute.
Step 1
Open your Web browser.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Visit the website that you want to link to.
Step 3
Click on the double square icon in the upper-right hand corner of the screen if the browser is maximized.
Step 4
Click and hold your mouse on the edge of the browser window.
Step 5
Drag the mouse across the screen, resizing the browser until your Windows desktop is visible.
Step 6
Click and hold the mouse button on the small icon next to the URL. The URL is the web address, typically starting with "http://."
Step 7
Drag the icon onto the desktop and let go of the mouse button. A website link appears on your desktop for the selected URL.
Video of the Day