How to Make Border Designs on Apple Pages

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Design borders for a page, a piece of text or an image in Pages.
Image Credit: Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

Apple's iWork suite contains several pieces of productivity software that deliver form, functionality and efficiency. Pages is a robust application that is a word processor as well as a desktop publisher. Use Pages to create standard form letters, flyers, newsletters, brochures and invitations, many from built-in templates. No matter the application, create custom borders in Pages around the entire page, text boxes or pictures, or as a separator between sections.


Step 1

Open the Pages application from the Dock or the Applications folder, which is depicted as a pen and quill icon. Choose a new, blank document and press "Enter" if prompted from the Template Chooser window.

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Step 2

Click the blue "Inspector" icon on the toolbar to gain access to the area where borders can be selected and configured. Click the "Text Inspector" button at the top of the Inspector window, which is depicted by a capital letter "T."


Step 3

Click the "More" button at the top of the Inspector window to access the area to apply borders. Choose the style of border from the Borders & Rules pop-up. Choices include; solid line, dotted line, dashed line or none.

Step 4

Decide if the desired border will inhabit all four sides of the page, top and bottom, top only or bottom only. Click the appropriate box below Border & Rules to apply the desired border. Insert a border around specific text by selecting the text, then click the "border" button in the Borders & Rules pop-up menu to apply the border to the text selected.



Step 5

Click the color well to the right of Borders & Rules to access the Color Palette and change the color of the border. Click the up arrow, to the right of the color swatch, to increase the thickness of the border line. Click the "Offset" up arrow to increase the width of the border, bringing the border closer to the edge of the page.

Step 6

Press the "Return" key on the keyboard to increase the height of the border.

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