How to Ping a Cell Phone Tower

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Ping a cell tower to locate the whereabouts for your mobile phone.

If you want to locate the origin of the last cell tower that provided your or your child's cell phone with a signal, you can do so by having the phone pinged. Pinging a cell phone is often done through your wireless carrier and it is illegal to ping a cell phone that is not registered to you, unless you have approval to do so.


Step 1

Contact your wireless carrier's customer service department and follow the prompts to speak with a representative.

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Step 2

Inform the representative of your intent to ping your cell phone or a cell phone registered to your account.


Step 3

Verify your wireless account when prompted to do so and provide the representative with the phone number that you would like to have pinged.

Step 4

Wait for the representative to ping your cell phone. You may be instructed to enroll in a cell phone pinging service provided by your wireless carrier, which allows you to ping your own phone without assistance.


Step 5

Write down the pinged location when provided with the information.

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