A stack of DVDs on a shelf.
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Miquel Carbonell/Hemera/Getty Images
VTS, which stands for Video Title Set, is a name given to video files that are present inside DVDs. These files use the .VOB file format and are encoded with the MPEG-2 standard. Windows Media Player 12, which comes built-in to Windows 7, provides native support for MPEG-2 encoded files so you can play any VTS files that you have without installing third-party codecs.
Step 1
Click "Start," type "Windows Media Player" (without quotes) into the search box and press the "Enter" key to open Windows Media Player 12.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Press the "Ctrl" and "O" keys simultaneously to launch the "Open" navigation window.
Step 3
Navigate to the location of the VTS file.
Step 4
Select the VTS file and click "Open" to play it.
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