How to Program the Buttons on My Dell Keyboard

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Hotkeys programmed into your keyboard can make performing actions and commands on your Dell computer faster and easier. Instead of accessing a feature through the computer's "Start" menu, you can simply press a combination of keys to open a folder, launch a program or perform a command. If you would like to create hotkeys for the features that you use most often on your Dell computer, you can do so using the built-in application provided by Dell to program keyboard buttons.


Step 1

Go to the "Start" menu on your Dell computer. Click the "Programs" or "All Programs" button to view the applications on the system and double-click "DellTouch Programmable Keys."

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Step 2

Choose the key that you wish to set as a hotkey in the first window of the "Configure Button" page. Once you have chosen a key, you are automatically taken to the second page of the button configuration wizard.


Step 3

Click the "Functions" button if you want to set the hotkey to perform a common task, such as muting the system or opening the "My Computer" folder. The functions drop-down menu becomes active and you can select any basic function from the list.

Step 4

Choose the "Launch Application or Website" option if you want to create a hotkey that automatically launches a program or file on your system or that pulls up a specific web page in your web browser. Type in the URL of the web page that you want the hotkey to bring up in the provided box, or click the "Browse" button to locate the program or file that you want the hotkey to bring up on your hard drive.



Step 5

Click the "OK" button once you have selected the function or entered the web page or program that you want to control with the hotkey. The hotkey is now programmed for use.

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