How to Remove a Header on the Second Page in Microsoft Word

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Microsoft Word's quick addition of top-of-page headers can give readers an anchor within a multi-page document, alerting them of the document's title, author, page number and date. But occasionally, headers can get repetitive or take up valuable real estate on a page. Sometimes they're just not necessary. In these cases, you can remove the header from a single page without disrupting them on the rest of the document.


Step 1

Open Microsoft Word. Click the "File" tab. Click "Open."

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Step 2

Browse to the document with the header to remove and double-click the file name. The document opens in a new Word window. Scroll to the second page of the document.


Step 3

Double-click anywhere within the top margin/header area of the second page to turn on the header editor. The header appears, surrounded by dotted lines and a new tab opens on the top of the workspace.

Step 4

Highlight the header information with the cursor and press the "Delete" key on the keyboard. Delete all areas of the header, such as items on either side of the page or multiple lines.



Step 5

Click the red "X" on the "Header and Footer Tools" tab noting "Close Header and Footer." The dotted line disappears and the header is gone solely from that page.

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