How to Run a Security Test on My WiFi Router Connection

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A Wi-Fi router is an essential part of a wireless home network supplying both the transmission and reception of signals so that devices such as laptops can access the Internet. Setting up a Wi-Fi router requires that it has security so that others cannot access the network without your permission. A security check will determine that your Wi-Fi router connection has been properly set up to exclude unauthorized users from joining the network


Running A Security Check On A PC

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Step 1

Go to "Start" and then "Network." Click on the "Network connection" icon in the window that appears.

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Step 2

Click on the name of the wireless network that you are testing from the list of choices presented in the new window. Close the window by clicking on the red "X" in the upper right corner.


Step 3

Launch a Web browser by selecting it from the "Start," "All Applications" pop-up menu. Enter a Web address in the address field at the top of the Web browser when the window appears on the desktop.

Step 4

Wait to see if the Web page appears on the Web browser or if a message appears on the Web browser saying that the browser cannot connect to the Internet.


Running A Security Check On A Mac

Step 1

Go to the icon of the antenna at the top right of the screen. Select the wireless home network from the list of networks presented in a drop down menu.

Step 2

Leave the password field in the connection pop-up window blank. Click on the "Connect" button at the bottom right of the window. Wait to see if the connection pop-up window appears again or if it goes away, allowing you to connect to the wireless home network.



Step 3

Go to the icon of the antenna at the top right of the screen. Select the wireless home network from the list of networks presented in a drop down menu. Enter a password in the password field.

Step 4

Click on the "Connect" button at the bottom right of the window. Wait to see if the connection pop-up window appears again or if it goes away, allowing you to connect to the wireless home network.


Step 5

Launch a Web browser by double-clicking its icon inside of the Applications folder. Enter a Web address in the address field at the top of the browser. Wait to see if the Web page loads or if a message appears instead saying that there is no connection to the Internet.



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