How to Save Videos From the Internet to a USB Memory Stick

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A USB memory stick.

With advances in communication and data storage technology, it's getting increasingly easy to transfer, view and save large files such as videos. A growing number of sites sell feature-length films that can be immediately downloaded at full resolution. Other videos, such as independent shorts and music videos, are distributed freely over the Internet. It's simple to store these videos on a USB memory stick so you can view them later, or even transfer them to other computers.


Step 1

Insert the USB memory stick into one of your computer's USB ports. Wait for the computer to recognize the external memory device. It will inform you when it's ready with a small pop-up alert in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. This shouldn't take more than a few seconds.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Download the video, and save it to a directory from which you can retrieve it easily, such as your desktop or My Videos folder.

Step 3

Transfer the video to your memory stick. There are two ways to accomplish this. The first is to right-click on the video file, select "Send to" and then choose your memory stick. The second is to double-click on "My Computer" and navigate to your memory stick drive. Drag and drop the video file from its current location into the memory stick's drive.


Video of the Day


