How to Troubleshoot a Pioneer DVD Player

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Pioneer DVD players are popular mid-priced machines noted for ease of use and reliability. But even the sturdiest consumer electronics product can develop problems with prolonged use. Follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve problems with your Pioneer DVD player.

Step 1

Try to play different DVDs to determine if the problem is with your Pioneer player or a specific disc.


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Step 2

Make sure your television or amplifier is set to the correct input for viewing and listening to your Pioneer DVD player. For example, if the DVD player is connected to Input 1 on your television, you will need to press the input button on your TV remote control until you see the DVD signal on your screen. For an amplifier or receiver, press the DVD or appropriate video button on your remote (Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, and so on; choose whichever video jack is connect to your DVD player) to see the DVD signal onscreen. If this doesn't produce results, proceed to step 3.


Step 3

Check the connections, including the power cord. There are three audio-video connecting cables on the back of your Pioneer DVD player—red and white audio cables and a yellow video cable. Check to make sure all are plugged in firmly to the correct jacks on the DVD player and the corresponding jacks on the back of your television, amplifier or receiver. If this doesn't solve your problem, move on to step 4.


Step 4

Clean the Pioneer DVD lens with a cleaner available from electronics stores. The cleaner is shaped like a DVD and has a small brush on the underside. Follow the onscreen prompts with your remote control to use the lens cleaning product, which usually takes less than 5 minutes. Still no sound or image? Read on.



Step 5

Turn off and disconnect the player. Remove the cover on the Pioneer DVD component by taking out the screws holding it in place.

Step 6

Check the inside of the DVD player to see if a disc may have slipped out of the tray. It is not uncommon for a DVD to jump the tracks and become stuck inside the mechanism. Slide the disc out and carefully remove.


Step 7

Eject the DVD tray and clean the laser lens directly with a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol. Swab the glass lens gently; this could clean the lens more thoroughly than the commercial lens cleaner from step 4. Allow any residual alcohol to evaporate completely before inserting a disc.

Step 8

Make a visual inspection of any loose wires or broken components and circuit boards. If you are skilled with a soldering iron, you may be able to reconnect a loose wire. However, unless you are trained in electronics repair and have the diagnostic equipment to test circuit boards, your next stop may be the repair shop. At least if you are able to identify a broken component, you can inform the technician to save time and maybe money on the repair bill.



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