How to Turn on the Wireless Internet Feature on an IBM Thinkpad

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The Thinkpad is a laptop computer manufactured by IBM and Lenovo. Like most modern laptop computers, the Thinkpad has a built in wireless adapter that you can use to connect to a wireless network and browse the Internet. Before you can connect to a network, you must first enable the wireless adapter on your Thinkpad. Fortunately enabling the wireless adapter is as simple as pressing the associated hotkeys on the keyboard; you can just as easily disable the network adapter by repeating the process.


Step 1

Open your Thinkpad and turn the laptop on. Log into Windows.

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Step 2

Hold the "Fn" key on the keyboard, located in the bottom left corner of the keyboard. While holding "Fn" press the "F5" key to enable the wireless network adapter. The "Wireless status" light, located directly below the display, will turn green. You can recognize the "Wireless status" light by an icon that looks like an antenna with waves.


Step 3

Hold down the "Fn" key and press "F5" again to disable the wireless network adapter.

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