ICal is a program available exclusively to Mac users. At the time of publication, the iCal program is a default program, included with the operating system on any Mac computer. If you have a PC calendar on another computer, however, you may still be able to share data with iCal.
Getting iCal
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ICal is one of the programs native to the Mac OS X. That means it comes as a default program when you purchase a new Mac computer or download a new version of the Mac OS X. The program can also be synced with mobile devices manufactured by Apple, including the iPhone and iPod touch.
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System Requirements
The newest version of Mac OS X is the Lion addition, which includes the most up to date iCal program at the time of publication. To get Lion, you must have a Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 or Xeon processor. In addition, 2 GB of memory are required, as well as 7GB of available hard drive space.
Using Windows Calendar on iCal
If you currently use a PC for some of your appointments, you can sync the information with iCal as long as your calendar is associated with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 with Service Pack 1 or later. For instance, if you have a PC at home, you can sync appointments you make in the evening with the Mac you use at work. To sync the two calendars, go to the "iCal" tab in iCal and choose "Preferences." Click the "Add" button and enter your Microsoft Exchange Server username and password. Click "Create" to link the two calendars.
If your friends or co-workers don't use iCal, you can still invite them to events you set up on your own calendar using their email addresses. Other people must have iCal, however, to have full viewing and usage permissions for your iCal calendar on their own computers.