There are plenty of reasons why connecting your cell phone to your computer is a good idea. Most modern phones have mini-USB input, and plugging your phone into a computer will enable you to charge it, install firmware or software, and transfer important files to and from the device.
Step 1
Locate the mini-USB port on your phone. This is usually found on the left or right side of the phone, so look there before checking the top or bottom.
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Step 2
Use a standard size mini-USB to connect the phone to the computer. Plug the end of the small cord into the phone's mini-USB port and then plug the big end into a standard-size USB port on your computer.
Step 3
Install drivers. Once your phone is connected physically, an software link must also be made. Your computer will not automatically recognize your phone, and a window will pop up asking if you want to install some drivers. Click the "yes" or "OK" button to continue.
Step 4
A status window will pop up once your OS has found suitable drivers. Once the status window fills up, your computer will be ready to interact with your phone. The phone should now be charging. Check the phone screen to make sure.
Step 5
Install any relevant software. Branded smartphones from Palm, BlackBerry and Motorolla all have specific software that comes bundled with the phones. Once the software is installed, you can launch it and interact further with your phone.
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