How to Add International Contacts to Viber

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Adding international contacts to Viber is just as simple as adding any other number and requires no special actions. As long as your contact has Viber, you can use the service to call or message her for free. The service is cross-platform as well, so you do not need the same device as your contact to communicate with her. If you know your contact already has Viber installed, you can add her directly to your contact list; if not, use the invitation option to invite her to the service.


If Your Contact Already Has Viber Installed

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Step 1

Launch Viber and select the "Contacts" menu.

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Step 2

Select the "+" button at the bottom of the screen to add a new contact.


Step 3

Enter the name of your contact in the "Name" field and her number in the "Phone" field. Include the country code, cell prefix, as well as the mobile phone number in the "Phone" field. For instance, should you add a British international contact, an example number would be +4474234 678 (+44 is the country code for the UK, while 74 would be one of the mobile networks).


Step 4

Enter the optional information in the email, events, IM, postal address, organization, notes, nickname and website fields. This information is not required in order to add your contact and is purely for your own record keeping purposes.

Step 5

Select "Save" option to add the new contact to your contact list.


If Your Contact Does Not Yet Have Viber

Step 1

Launch Viber and select "More Options" at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2

Select "Text(SMS)" from the "Share your Viber experience" section.



Step 3

Enter the number of your contact in the "To" field, including the country code, cell prefix, as well as the mobile phone number, and then press "Send." A SMS with a download link is sent to your contact.

If Your Contact Is Already Listed In Your Address Book

Step 1

Launch Viber and select the "Contacts" menu.


Step 2

Select "All Contacts" to display a list of all the contacts listed in the address book of your phone.

Step 3

Select the name of your contact and then select "Invite to Viber." Press the "Send" button to invite the contact via SMS.



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