How to Change Tool Bar Settings

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Different user interfaces have varied toolbar priorities. But the good news is that you can access their hidden stash of buttons. There will be no more--at least there will be less of--accessing the commands by way of selecting "File" from the toolbar pull-down menu, and then selecting "Print." So, go ahead and begin to take the road that is less traveled on purpose--because the toolbar one-step icon world of "Copy" and "Paste" is just a keystroke away.


Step 1

Open up the software program and select "Tools."

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Step 2

Select "Customize" from the toolbar menu. If you do not show a "Customize" button, proceed to Section 2.


Step 3

Go to the Toolbars tab and place a check beside the desired toolbars to be shown on the user interface. Uncheck the toolbars that you would like to be removed upon opening the software.


Step 4

Open up the software program and select "Tools" from the toolbar menu.

Step 5

Select "Customize Toolbars" from the toolbar menu.

Step 6

Place a check beside the desired toolbars to be shown on the user interface. Uncheck the toolbars that you would like to be removed upon opening the software.



Step 7

Open up the Internet Explorer browser and select "Tools" from the toolbar menu.

Step 8

Select "Toolbars" and then choose "Customize."

Step 9

Highlight a desired toolbar located in the "Available Toolbar Buttons" list and then click the "Add" button. Repeat to add each new toolbar to the "Current Toolbar Buttons" list. When finished, click "Close."


Step 10

Open up the Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser and select "View" from the toolbar menu.

Step 11

Select "Toolbars" and then choose "Customize."


Step 12

Click on the arrow next to "Show" to bring up the desired view of the available toolbars, either to be shown as icons and text, just icons or just text.


Step 13

Place your mouse pointer over a toolbar selected for addition and left click on it. While still holding down the mouse, drag it up to the browser toolbar and then release. Repeat the process for each new button. When finished, press "Done." To add a new toolbar, go to Step 5.


Step 14

Follow Steps 1 - 3 in this section. Next, click on "Add Toolbar." Type in a name for your toolbar and then drag and drop items to the new toolbar as instructed in Step 4 in this section.

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