How to Convert NotePad to a PDF

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Microsoft Windows' basic text editing program, Notepad, creates files using the .txt file format. While this format is cross-platform compatible and can be opened on any computer using Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Word or any number of text editing programs, sometimes you might wish to send the document in Adobe Acrobat format, or .pdf. Notepad does not allow you to export or save the file as a PDF, however you use the print feature to create the PDF document.


Step 1

Check to see if your computer has a PDF printer already installed. Select "Print" from the "File" menu. Check the "Select Printer" box for a PDF driver. Drivers will have names such as Adobe PDF, PrimoPDF or other names including PDF. If you see a PDF driver already installed, proceed to Step 4. If you do not have a PDF printer installed, proceed to Step 2.


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Step 2

Download the free PDF converter from PrimoPDF's website. (See References)

Step 3

Double-click the PrimoPDF installer to install the software.

Step 4

Return to the Notepad document and select "Print" from the "File" menu.



Step 5

Select "PrimoPDF" (or any other PDF driver name) from the "Select Printer" box.

Step 6

Click the "Print" button. You will be prompted to select a location to save the file.

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