How to Create a Cause Page on Facebook

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You can create a Facebook page for your cause.

Whether you want to support a charity or raise awareness for a particular cause, a cause page on Facebook can allow you to connect with people who have similar ideals and interests. Cause pages can support anything from breast cancer awareness to your latest gripe about texting while driving. No matter what cause you champion, making a cause page is a simple process, made easier by the Facebook page interface that allows you to create a page quickly to gather together fans and supporters.


Step 1

Sign into Facebook and then click "Ads and Pages," found beneath your profile picture on the Facebook home page. If "Ads and Pages" does not appear as one of your options, type "!/pages/create.php" into your browser's address bar while you are signed into your Facebook account.


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Step 2

Click the "Cause or Community" icon, and then enter the cause name you'd like to create. Keep your cause name as broad as possible to attract the most supporters.

Step 3

Add an image to your cause page by clicking "Upload an Image" at the top of your new page. An image can attract supporters to your page.


Step 4

Click "Info" beneath the profile picture to fill in more information about the cause, the purpose of the page and how supporters can help with the cause.


Step 5

Utilize both "Suggest to Friends" and "Tell Your Fans" to spread the word about your new Cause page. Use "Suggest to Friends," to spread the word via your Facebook friends list. "Tell Your Fans" will allow you to import the contact information of fans from your other pages to garner more supporters and spread the word about your cause.

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