While surfing the Internet, you may stumble upon a site you did not mean to visit and invite a host of unwanted activity to your computer. Spyware and parasites can infect your computer without your permission, running as they pleasing on your operating system. One possible result of this is an unwanted website that continually pops up without warning. Restoring your system and installing necessary software can eliminate this problem.
Layering Protection
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Step 1
Set your computer's security settings for maximum protection. Close all windows, browsers and programs. Click on the "Start" button in the lower left corner. Click on "Control Panel."
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Step 2
Click the "Internet" option. Click "Default Level" to raise your computer's security level. Click "Enable Protected Mode" on the same screen if it is not already selected.
Step 3
Turn on your firewall if it is not already turned on. Click the "Start" button in the lower left side. Click "Security Settings." Click "Firewall." Turn it to the "On" position.
Install An Antivirus Program
Step 1
Select a free antivirus program or purchase one. You can begin with the two free programs available on the Microsoft website, "Windows Security Essentials" and the "Malicious Software Removal Tool."
Step 2
Open a new browser. Search "Microsoft Help." Select "Windows Security Essentials" or "Malicious Software Removal Tool." Click "Download" to download the program to your computer. Download and run only one program at a time.
Step 3
Run the program to search for and remove viruses, parasites and other unwanted software. Run only one program.
Step 4
Uninstall the program if the problem persists. Remove the software from your computer entirely. Download the antivirus program you did not choose and repeat steps two and three.
Step 5
Uninstall the program if the problem persists and purchase a a commercial antivirus program. Those programs with high ratings include AVG "Antispyware," Sunbelt "Counterspy," Webroot "Spysweeper" and PC Tool "Spyware Doctor."