How to Email Using OpenOffice

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OpenOffice is a no-cost alternative to Microsoft Office, provided by the Apache Software Foundation. (see Resources 1)
Image Credit: merznatalia/iStock/Getty Images

While OpenOffice provides an effective, open-source alternative to the Microsoft Office productivity suite, OpenOffice does not have a dedicated email handling program similar to Outlook. However, you can take advantage of your default Windows email client to send current documents as attachments from within OpenOffice programs. There is nothing to configure within OpenOffice to use the default email application (which is Windows Mail in Windows 8, unless you have changed it), but to use other clients, you'll need to redefine your default email application in Windows.


Step 1

Set your default email setting to your desired program. Open Control Panel on the desktop and click "Default programs." Click "Associate a File Type or Protocol with a Program," scroll down the list and click "MAILTO." From the drop-down menu, select the program to associate with MAILTO. Check your selected progam's documentation for MAPI protocol support -- a system that allows different applications to exchange email -- which is necessary for use with OpenOffice.


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Step 2

Open a document in OpenOffice that you wish to email. Click "File" on the menu bar, then "Send" from the drop-down menu. Click the email format option that best fits your needs.


Step 3

Address your email and add any additional notes or text. Send the email as you normally would, and your OpenOffice document will be included as an attachment in the format you choose.

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