How to Find Email Accounts Accessed on a Computer

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Receiving a new email message

If someone else has been on your computer or you can't remember which email service you used in the past you may want to check to see what email accounts have been accessed recently. There are different methods for finding email accounts used on your computer depending on what type of email provider was utilized. You will need to check different settings on your computer for a web-based email client or for an address that uses an email client such as Microsoft Outlook.


Step 1

Open your email client and click the "Tools" button at the top of the window. Scroll down through the drop-down menu and select "Accounts."

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Step 2

Look through the list of accounts in the new window. Read the "incoming server" heading to find out which service they route their email through, such as "Bresnan" or "Comcast."


Step 3

Check the "User Name" heading to find the exact email address being accessed through your email client. Close the email client and return to your web browser.

Step 4

Click the "History" button and select "View All History." Click the "Name" tab to organize the list of websites alphabetically.


Step 5

Scroll through the list of websites to find web-based email accounts such as "Gmail" or "Yahoo." Click on one of the websites to be taken to the email provider's website.


Step 6

Check the text directly underneath the "user name" and "password" fields. Look for a heading that says something similar to "Your session has expired" or "You are no longer logged in." Check to see if the text notification lists the email user name.


Step 7

Return to the "History" page and look for websites for major Internet service providers (ISP), as many ISPs give the option to log into an email account remotely from their website.

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