How to Install the LimeWire App on an iPhone

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LimeWire allows access to file sharing downloads

LimeWire is a popular Internet file sharing program that allows you to download images, videos, pictures and softwares from other users across the World Wide Web. It is a free program that allows users to share their content with other users, and is to be introduced as an iPhone application in 2010. The application, like the normal program, will allow for downloads and file sharing, and can be downloaded and installed directly from your mobile device at any time.


Step 1

Turn on your iPhone and make sure you have a wireless Internet connection in your current location.

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Step 2

Tap the "App Store" tab on the home screen of your phone. The tab is located by default on the bottom of the screen.


Step 3

Enter your email password when prompted and tap "OK" to proceed.

Step 4

Tap "Search" on the bottom of the "App Store" home screen and type "Limewire" into the search bar on the top of the screen. Tap "Search."


Step 5

Tap the tab that reads "LimeWire" in the populated list. It will be the first application listed on most searches.


Step 6

Click the "Free" tab on the upper right of the application screen. It will change to a tab that reads "Install."


Step 7

Tap the "Install" tab and you will be returned to your phone's home screen as the application loads onto your computer. Once it has finished installing, it will be ready to use. It should take less than two minutes.

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