How to Make Images With Transparent Backgrounds in Photoscape

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Photoscape is a free image-editing software you use to create or edit PNG, GIF, JPG or BMP images. GIF and PNG files support transparent backgrounds. You use this type of background, so an image's background does not block the background color of a Web page. You create a second image file, cut out the old image's content and paste it to the new image's transparent background to create a transparent GIF or PNG for your website.


Step 1

Open Photoscape on your desktop and open the image you want to move to a transparent background. Click "File" and then click "New" to create a new image file. In the pop up, choose "Transparent" for the background color.

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Step 2

Click the "Wand" tool in the toolbox and use your mouse to cut out the image from the background. Press "Ctrl" and "X" to cut the image selection you want to convert to a transparent background from your original image.


Step 3

Click the blank, new image you created with the transparent background. Press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys to paste the image to the transparent background.


Step 4

Click "File" and then click "Save As." Select "GIF" or "PNG" for the image file type. Typical transparent images are set as PNG, because the quality of the image is much better than a GIF image, which supports only 256 colors.

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