How to Print Email Without Headers

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You can print emails without the headers.

Emails contain not only messages, but also headers that includes the sender and receiver's email address, the date and each Internet server that processed the email. Message headers take up the upper portion of your email and is distracting, especially if you just want or need to see the email's main message. You can't directly print an email without the headers, but there is a workaround. You don't need a third-party application or need to forward the email to another computer or Internet service.


Using a Word Processing Package/Text Editor

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open the email you want to print without headers.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Highlight the main message of your email with your computer's mouse. Click "Edit" on the main toolbar of your email application. Click "Copy."


Step 3

Open your computer's word processing package or text editor. Click "File," "New," "Blank Document," if using a word processing package, to a create a new document. Click "File," "New" if using a text editor.

Step 4

Click "Edit," "Paste." Your email message will appear in the new document.


Step 5

Click "File," "Print," "OK" to print the email message without headers.

Saving and Printing

Step 1

Open the email you want to print without headers. Click "File," "Save As." Click on the down arrow next to "Save In" to navigate to a directory to save your email message in.


Step 2

Click on the down arrow next to "Save As Type." Select "Text" or "Rich-Text." Enter a name for your email in the "File Name" box. Click "Save."


Step 3

Open your computer's word processing package or text editor. Click "File," "Open." Navigate to the directory containing the email you saved. Double-click on the file's name to open the email.


Step 4

Highlight the email's headers with your mouse. Press the "Delete" key on your computer's keyboard to delete the headers.

Step 5

Click "File," "Print," "OK" to print the email message.


Printing Using a Screen Shot

Step 1

Open the email you want to print without headers.

Step 2

Press the "Alt" and "Print Scrn" keys together on your keyboard to take a screen shot of the email message, if using Windows.


If using a Mac, press the "Apple," "Shift" and "3" keys together to take a screen shot of the message.

Step 3

Open your computer's graphic manipulation program.



Step 4

Click "File," "New" to create a new, blank graphic file.

Step 5

Press the "CTRL" and "V" keys together to paste the screen shot in the blank graphic file, if using Windows.


If using a Mac, click "Edit," "Paste" to paste the screen shot in the blank graphic file.

Step 6

Highlight the top portion of the email, the message header, with your mouse. Click "Edit," "Cut" to remove the email's headers, for both Windows and Mac systems.


Step 7

Click "File," "Print." Select the printer you to want to use. Click "Print" or "OK" to print the email.



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