You can print your photos instantly and cheaply at CVS stores without having to wait on a photo lab to develop them. Simply upload the pictures straight from your camera's SD card or memory stick to the in-store photo do-it-yourself printing station. You can even crop and edit the pics on the machine before you print them. Photo prints make great gifts in picture frames, scrap books or as a collage.
Step 1

Upload the photo files you want to print by inserting your SD card or memory stick into the CVS photo station at a local CVS store.
Video of the Day
Step 2

Crop or edit the desired photos however you like and choose print size as well as the number of prints.
Step 3

Complete the order by clicking on the "Print" button and wait for your finished photo prints to come out of the machine. Remove your memory stick or SD card out of the CVS photo station.
Step 4

Take your photo prints and receipt to the cash register and pay.
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