Including a professional image signature in your emails can help you advertise your business to all of your email recipients, so take advantage of the signature feature in Outlook and advertise free of charge. Outlook doesn't support importing a PDF image, but it does support the JPEG format, so use Windows Paint to change the format of your PDF image and import it to Outlook.
Step 1
Open the PDF image file and click the image you want to add to your signature. Press "Ctrl" and "C" to copy the highlighted image.
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Step 2
Launch the Windows Paint program. Press "Ctrl" and "V" to paste the image you copied to the Windows clipboard. Click the "File" menu and click "Save As" to open the dialog window. Select a path to save your file next to "Save in:." Choose "JPEG" next to "Save as type:" and type "signature image" next to "File name:." Click "Save."
Step 3
Launch Microsoft Outlook. Click the "Tools" menu and then "Options." Select the "Mail Format" tab and click the "Signatures…" button.
Step 4
Click the "Picture" icon next to "Business Card" and browse for the "signature image.JPG" you just created. Select the image and click "Insert." Click "OK," then click "OK" again.
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