How to Renumber a Word Document

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Microsoft Word makes it easy to create numbered lists in a snap. You can click on the "Numbering" button in the "Paragraph" section of the "Home" tab in Word 2007 or 2010 or on the "Formatting" toolbar in Word 2003. You also can type in "1." before the first list item. Word recognizes that you want to create a numbered list and will continue on the next line. If you want to renumber a list in a different manner, Word provides other options as well.


Renumber a Document in Word 2003

Video of the Day

Step 1

Click on the first number in the list that you want to renumber.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Go to the "Format" menu and select "Bullets and Numbering." Go to the "Numbered" tab.


Step 3

Click the "Customize" button. The "Customize Numbered List" dialog box will open.

Step 4

Change the number in the "Start At" box to the number in which you want to begin your list.


Step 5

Click "OK." The entire list will be renumbered.

Renumber a Document in Word 2007 or 2010

Step 1

Click on the first number in the list you want to renumber.



Step 2

Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the "Numbering" button in the "Paragraph" section of the "Home" tab.

Step 3

Select "Set Numbering Value." The "Set Numbering Value" dialog box will open.


Step 4

Renumber the value in the "Set Value To" field to the number in which you want the list to begin.

Step 5

Click "OK." The entire list will be renumbered.


