How to Sell Items on Yahoo Auctions

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How to Sell Items on Yahoo Auctions. Yahoo Auctions is a great way to make extra money without leaving your home. The service is free, secure and user friendly. You can sell many different types of items on Yahoo Auctions, including jewelry, clothing, toys and memorabilia.

Create a Yahoo Account

Step 1

Register for a free Yahoo account to get started on selling your items using Yahoo Auctions.


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Step 2

Enter Yahoo's home page and find the log-in section (see Reseources below). Click on the link there that says 'Sign Up.'

Step 3

Enter your name, birthdate and other verifying information into the form provided. You'll need to create a username which will identify you to email and chat recipients.


Step 4

Create a password that contains at least 6 characters and will be easy for you to remember later. Try to make this password unique from other passwords you use online to ward off hackers.

Step 5

Complete the rest of the registration form by answering all questions and agreeing to the terms. You will receive a confirmation shortly via email that will confirm you have successfully created your own Yahoo account.


Sell Your Items on Yahoo Auctions

Step 1

Log into Yahoo's home page by typing in your username and password where requested (see Resources below). You can also go directly to the Yahoo Auctions home page (see Resources below).



Step 2

Click on the 'All Yahoo Services' button to view a complete list of Yahoo's services. Click on the 'Auctions' link to enter the Yahoo Auctions home page if you did not go directly to the Yahoo Auctions home page.

Step 3

Click on the link that says 'Sell Stuff.' You will be taken to a page where you will need to verify your information.


Step 4

Type in your name, address and other verifying information requested in order to continue. Yahoo asks these questions to best offer members a secure marketplace to buy and sell items.

Step 5

Click on the link that appears on Yahoo Auctions pages that says 'Submit Item.' Choose an auction type or category appropriate for your item (e.g., 'Clothing'). Complete the auction submission page by entering in information about your item.


Step 6

Preview your auction once you've completed the submission page. Check for errors and make any necessary changes. Click 'Submit' to make your auction live.

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