How to Send an Email on Behalf of Outlook

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Microsoft Outlook provides the option of sending an email on behalf of somebody else. This is particularly useful when scheduling meetings or sending invites on behalf of your manager or colleague. To send on behalf of someone, you must first be granted access. This lets you put in somebody's email address in the "From" field when composing the email. Leaving the "From" field blank reverts the sender to your email address. Only administrators or users can grant access to send emails on their behalf.


Delegate Access Permissions

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Step 1

Click "Options" from the "Tools" menu.

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Step 2

Click the "Delegates" tab, then click "Add."


Step 3

Type the name of the user you want to be able to send emails on your behalf, or search for the name in the "Name" list.

Step 4

Click "Add" under "Add Users," then click "OK." To add many users, hold the CTRL key and click the names you want to delegate access to. By default, the "Read Items" option is checked to allow the delegates to read responses such as meeting invites. The delegates cannot read somebody else's inbox unless "Delegate can see my private items" is checked.



Send Email On Behalf Of Someone

Step 1

Click "New" and "Mail Message" to create new email.

Step 2

Type the name or email address of the person you are sending on behalf of in the "From" field.

Step 3

Click "Send" to send the email.


