How to Send Games Via Bluetooth

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Bluetooth enabled laptop.

Bluetooth technology allows you to send small or large files rapidly form one device to another without the inconvenience of using cords or installing programs. As of 2010, many cell phones and laptops are equipped with Bluetooth connectivity and SD cards for extra storage. This enables you to download games from the internet on your PC and load them directly to your cell phone.


Pairing the Devices

Video of the Day

Step 1

Charge your phone fully.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Turn on the host Bluetooth device and enable the Bluetooth. Turn on the receiving Bluetooth device and enable the Bluetooth on this one as well.


Step 3

Locate the receiver Bluetooth device from the device list located on the host Bluetooth device.

Step 4

Enter "0000" (without quotes) when you are prompted to enter a password.

From PC to Phone

Step 1

Locate the game on the host Bluetooth device. If this is a PC, open the folder that houses the file.


Step 2

Right-click the game that you want to send and select "Send via Bluetooth."


Step 3

Select the name of the device you want to send the game to and then confirm the selection.

Step 4

Accept the file transfer from the receiving device when prompted.


From Phone to Phone

Step 1

Enable Bluetooth on both handsets.

Step 2

Locate the game that you want to send on one of the handsets. Normally, the games are saved in the "Accessories" or "Games" folder on your handset.

Step 3

Click "Options" and select "Send," then select the "Send via Bluetooth" option.


