How to Send Pictures to Walgreens via Computer

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If you want to get fast and easy prints of your digital pictures, you don't have to leave home, Walgreens lets you send your pictures via computer over the Internet.

Step 1

Go to your computer and open your web browser. Type in the Walgreens website, and click the photo tab when you get to the Walgreens website. This will get you started sending your pictures via computer.


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Step 2

Register with Walgreens by clicking on Sign up under Not Registered Yet? To get you closer to sending your photos. The sign up button button is located in the right column when viewing your computer screen.

Step 3

Provide Walgreens an active email address and check the box next to your email so it becomes your username on the website and for pictures. Follow the on screen prompts to get started.


Step 4

Examine the options Walgreens offers for pictures. For all routine picture printing and processing, click Prints.

Step 5

After logging in, you will be brought to a photo album screen. Click the "Upload to Album" button on bottom. Give this album a date and name. Click "I Agree" when the copyright statement comes up.


Step 6

Locate your pictures on a file in your computer. They are generally located in the my pictures or pictures folder, depending upon your operating system. Sort out the pictures you want sent to Walgreens via computer.

Step 7

Check the box next to the photos you want to upload to Walgreens from your computer. You can upload many photos at once, just allow adequate time, depending on your Internet connection speed. There is a quick photo upload tool you may wish to download and save on your computer.



Step 8

Look for different size, gift and matte choices once your pictures have been sent via computer. Make your choices as required and review them for correct number, size, and format.

Step 9

Click Check Out and fill in final screen as necessary.
If you have a Walgreens coupon code, enter it in the appropriate space.


Step 10

Choose to have pictures sent to Walgreens or pay extra to have them shipped to another address. No postage stamps required, Walgreens does it all for you via your computer.



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