Receiving a harassing or unwanted phone call can be a scary experience. You'll probably want to know who made the call, if only to prevent another one. Unfortunately, you may have to do some legwork, regardless of whether the call was placed over a copper wire phone line or VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol).
Step 1
Write down the date and time of the call. If someone is trying to harass you, then write down what the caller says. You will need this information when presenting it to the police.
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Step 2
Use the caller ID function on your phone. It may give you a readout of the phone number, even if it is from a VoIP service.
Step 3
Dial "*69" on your phone. An automated service will tell you the information of the last call, including what time and what phone number. It even tracks calls on which the caller has placed a block on his ID or phone number.
Step 4
Contact your telephone company, which may be able to trace the identity of the caller. However, you may have to pay a fee to initiate this service.
Step 5
Examine your phone bill. You will receive details on your incoming calls, including dates, times and phone numbers. You may be able to use that phone number to identify the caller.
Step 6
Contact your local police department. Explain that you started a trace log with your telephone company. An investigator may come to your house to file a report. With the information from the telephone company, the police may visit the caller and give him a warning. If he has broken the law, he may face criminal charges.
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