How to Turn On a Laptop

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Sometimes that power button is hidden.
Image Credit: Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

It's happen to everyone. You go to turn on a new computer and can't find the power button. Getting a laptop for the first time can be a stressful experience. Laptops are more fragile than desktop computers and their keyboards are arranged differently and have different touch sensitivity. This initial fear or stress from encountering a mysterious new tech product can make that power button mysteriously disappear. Learn how to recognize the "power on" button on a laptop and how to press it correctly.


Step 1

Look at your computer. Search for the button on the top-left, top-right or the sides of the laptop. The power button is normally a dime-sized round button, and on most computers has a round circle icon.

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Step 2

Press this button down once with a firm pressure, but not too hard.


Step 3

Wait a few second for the laptop to turn on.

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