Simple Ways to Increase My Dell Laptop Speed

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As your Dell laptop's operating system (OS) ages, its overall performance generally decreases. Over time, computer navigation becomes slower to respond and programs take longer to launch. This is due to the amount of software installed, as well as the type of programs previously and currently loaded. Simple ways to increase your Dell laptop's speed may keep you from having to upgrade your system.


Disk Cleanup

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Clean up your hard disk to provide a slight performance improvement. As less data is loaded, your computer can focus its resources on other activities.

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Launch the "Computer" applet from your desktop. Right-click the local disk you wish to inspect and select "Properties." Click the "Disk Cleanup" option and allow the system to gather all temporary data found within the system. Select the entries you wish to clean or remove from your system. Press "OK" to initialize the procedure, which normally takes several minutes depending on the amount of files on your hard disk.


Disk Defragmenter

Disk Defragmenter organizes all existing files and settings in the computer, effectively increasing its speed. Typical improvements are noticed during system navigation and while performing general management.


Go to the "Start" menu, click the "Search" box and type "Dfrgui" to launch the Disk Defragmenter utility. Select the hard disk(s) you wish to defragment and click the "Defragment Disk" button to initialize the process. This typically takes several hours, particularly if two or more disks are scheduled for the procedure.


Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is used to compensate for the lack of Random Access Memory (RAM) on your computer. Applications use virtual memory to save and load temporary information, effectively increasing your system's performance.



Click the "Control Panel" Utility from the "Start" menu. Navigate to the "System and Security" option, followed by "System." Press the "Advanced System Settings." Select the "Settings" option from the Performance category, followed by the "Advanced" tab, then "Change." Select the hard disk whose virtual memory you wish to manage, then click "Custom Size." Input a desired amount of memory, which is taken from your disk's current space availability. Click "OK" to save all settings and changes.


Startup Items

Remove optional applications from simultaneously starting with your computer. This includes messaging clients and any other program you might rarely use.

Go to the "Start" menu, type "Msconfig" and press "Enter." Click the "Startup" tab and uncheck programs which are not regarded as vital. Note that removing them from the Windows startup list does not uninstall them from your computer. Click "OK" and restart your computer for all settings to take place.



Malware Inspection

Spyware generally runs in the background as processes and services, which absorb vital system resources. Typical actions include the attempt to steal personal information, gather Internet browsing statistics and even alter your system's integrity. Therefore, keeping your computer spyware-free helps maintain its peak performance. Microsoft offers a free malware solution known as Security Essentials. Other third-party applications include Avira Antivir, Avast and MalwareBytes' AntiMalware. Install the application of choice; perform a program update followed by a full system scan. Such tools are user-friendly and contain all necessary options within the program's general interface.



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