How to Download a Facebook Friends List

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Adding friends from work, social networks and even other friends' lists can cause your Facebook friends list to swell quickly. In fact, it easy to have so many friends on Facebook that keeping track of them is difficult. While Facebook makes it easy to view your friends list, once you have more than 20 or so, they no longer fit on a single screen. Therefore, if you want to view a single list of all your Facebook friends, you must download your information from the social networking site.


Step 1

Navigate to the Facebook login page. Log in with your email address and password. Wait for your Facebook profile page to load.

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Step 2

Click the "Account" drop-down list and then "Account Settings." Click the "learn more" link on the "Download Your Information" row of the "My Account" page.


Step 3

Enter your Facebook password in the field beneath the "Verify Password" label. You must enter your password to confirm your identity before downloading your Facebook information. Click the "Continue" button.

Step 4

Wait while the Facebook site compiles a file with all of your information. You cannot download just the Friends list on the Facebook site. When you download your Facebook information, you receive a zip file with all of your photos, posts, Friends list and other information you shared on the site. Depending on how much information you shared on Facebook, it could take several minutes for the site to generate the file.



Step 5

Click the "Download Now" button after the Facebook sites generates the data file. Save the file to a folder on your computer.

Step 6

Click "Start" and then "Computer." Navigate to the site where you saved the downloaded Facebook file. Right-click on the file name and click "Extract here" on the pop-up menu. Windows decompresses the file and creates a new sub-folder with your Facebook name. Open the new sub-folder.


Step 7

Click the "html" folder. Scroll down to and click the "friends" file. A new browser window opens and displays a complete list of your Facebook friends' names.

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