How to Find Past Receipts

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Looking for past receipts can be relatively easy when using credit card companies and other retail establisments.

Paper receipts are often easily misplaced. In fact, losing a receipt when one is needed to either justify an expense for tax purposes or making a return to a local retail store can be extremely frustrating. Decades ago it wouldn't have been possible to locate a receipt either online or through a credit card company.


But today, the internet along with sophisticated credit card and retail databases make it possible to recover past receipts with relative ease.

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Step 1

Go online to retrieve your bank or credit card statement. Notate the specific date of purchase, amount and retail/establishment name. Often times, this bank statement information is proof positive that a purchase was made and justifies the purchase for an exchange or a return.


Step 2

Check your online retail account, if the past receipt you are looking for was made online. For online merchants like Amazon, you can go to the account option to retrieve your past receipts. Go to "order history" and "download order report" on Amazon specifically. From there you can enter the date range for the past receipts you are looking for.



Step 3

Call a brick and mortar establishment, such as Walmart, and ask for their electronics payment hotline or any department that allows you to locate a past receipt using date of purchase, credit card number and store location.


