Not long ago, if you wanted to find a listing for someone living in Ontario, Canada, you would have to visit individual cities in Ontario to peruse the local phone books or find a specialty library with a collection of international White Pages directories. Nowadays, you can access international phone listings online with a variety of resources and easily find the address of someone in Ontario.
Step 1
Visit the Numberway website to access Canadian phone books online.
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Step 2
Enter the last name of the person you're seeking and a first name or first initial in the appropriate search fields.
Step 3
Select "Ontario" as the province to search and click "People Search."
Step 4
Review the search results of names, addresses and phone numbers to see whether the person you're seeking is listed.
Step 5
Search other Canada directories at Numberway if your first search does not produce the desired result. Include the Yellow Pages, in case the person you're seeking has a business listing under his name.
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