How to Get People to Respond to You on Match.Com

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Get the response you've been waiting for.

There's definitely an art to online dating. Not only do you need to know how to drum up an attractive profile and make smart choices about who you're selecting, but you also have to know how people best respond. If you're a registered dater on, you have several options to put your best foot—and face—forward.


Step 1

Polish your profile picture. Be sure you have a clear photo posted on your profile so that your potential suitors can see your face. Post several additional images so they are able to see other views of how you look. Physical attraction is one of the first things matches will consider when they're scrolling through profiles. Avoid using photos that are blurry, shot from far away or contain other people (like your ex) barely cropped out of them. Leave the pictures of your dog Max and your mentee for the additional profile pictures.


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Step 2

Perfect your username and profile. Craft a username that is either definitive of your characteristics, like "TallCoach," or neutral, like "JMinor1234." Avoid choosing a username that can be considered derogatory or in bad taste. Give your headline punch by concisely using words to describe your personality or interests, such as, "Lovable Marathon Runner Ready for Stretching Partner." This gives potential dates an idea that you're someone who is active and could use a little company while enjoying your activities.


Step 3

Complete your profile in full. Leaving half of your details out because you don't want to divulge information or are simply lazy is a sure way to get passed by. Remember that you're dating online and matches have no idea who you are, so the more information you can give, the more likely you are to land a few more responses inquiring about you.


Step 4

Look through entire profiles of matches before you send a message to get someone's attention. Avoid sending a message to someone when, for instance, her profile clearly reads that she is only looking for someone in the same city, but you live 200 miles away. Don't expect to convert people that you're matched with simply because you think they're perfect.



Step 5

Add your favorites to narrow down your matches. Once you've narrowed down all of your options, from liking pets to liking a certain religion, you'll be left with your ideal matches. Go through that list and check off a few of your favorites. Registered users will able to see that you've "favorited" them and are likely to at least open your profile and, if interested, favorite you or reach out to you.


Step 6

Send a wink to someone to initiate flirting and encourage him to either wink back or respond in other ways. Send a message to take the bold approach to getting someone to respond. Design an email message that showcases your personality and interest. Complete the subject line using something other than a simple "hi." Try, "How about those Eagles?" if the person is obviously a die-hard fan of the team who just happened to win a game last night.


Step 7

Use a combination of methods on your matches to get responses. The more interesting you can be, the more likely potential daters will be interested and respond favorably.

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