How to Install Games on a Mac

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To install games on a Macintosh computer, there are two options. One is to install from the game CD. The second way is to download the game file from a gaming website, then run the downloaded installer. The games must be compatible with the Macintosh operating system in order to run the installers. Gaming companies and websites label their games with Windows or Macintosh logos to show which platform the game is compatible with.


Step 1

Insert the game CD into your Macintosh's CD drive.

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Step 2

Game CD on Macintosh Desktop

Locate the icon for the CD on your desktop and double click to open it. Most commercial software CDs start with an open window to help you find the installer application faster.


Step 3

Locate the game icon or the installer icon. They will be clearly labeled by the manufacturer, and they will usually have a .app extension.

Step 4

Drag the game application to your Applications folder on the Macintosh, or double click the installer to launch it. If you're supposed to drag the icon to install it, the CD will show an arrow like this ===> pointing to a picture of the Applications folder as a cue of what to do.


Step 5

Follow the installer directions in the dialog box that appears on your screen to complete the installation process. You will find your game icon in the Applications folder when the installation is complete.


Step 6

Leave the CD in the disk drive if the game requires it in order to run. Many commercial games will only run if the original CD is still in the machine.


Step 7

Navigate with your web browser to a game website that has a game you wish to download and install. There may be a fee associated with downloading the game. Read the terms of service carefully before downloading.

Step 8

Downloaded Disk Image Icon

Locate the downloaded file on your Macintosh desktop. It is probably a "disk image" file with the extension .dmg.


Step 9

Disk Image File Open

Double click the .dmg file you downloaded. This will open the installer as a virtual "disk image" on your desktop with the game installer on it.


Step 10

Drag the game application from the disk image to your Applications folder or double click the installer file on the disk image to launch it.

Step 11

Follow the installer directions in the dialog box that appears on your screen to complete the installation process. You will find your game icon in the Applications folder when the installation is complete.

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