The Sanyo TV menu remains accessible without an external remote control. While operating the television is much easier with a remote, all menu options remain available from the manual control panel. To use custom features from the manual controls, you will need to execute specific actions that will generate the desired menus. The manual controls are fewer and are essentially coded to allow for any action but many actions require specific instructions. A remote control has more shortcut functions for direct access to menus and custom settings. On the television itself, you must push the "Menu" button and manually scroll through each option using the channel and volume keys to navigate. The process is slow but remains effective.
Smartphone Controller
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Losing your controller does not leave you without remote control options. Controllers are easy to replace but a trip to the store or waiting on a shipping may not be a viable option. Download the TV app remote on Google Play or iOS to turn your smartphone into a Sanyo remote control. Through the app, you can quickly and easily perform any function available through a standard remote control. The only downside to operating the television through an app is that visitors and other users without the app programmed on their phones cannot use the remote without you present. Otherwise, the remote app is an excellent control feature that is available for immediate use on your smartphone.
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Operating Without a Remote
When a remote simply is not possible, access your television control panel for basic operations like power, channel up and down, and volume up and down. Unfortunately, you cannot utilize shortcuts and channel guides from the manual buttons. You must change each channel with an individual button push. If you have numerous channels, this process can take some time to scroll to the desired channel.
However, some models do have a "Menu" button as part of the physical control panel, which you can use to access the menu. In combination with coded shortcuts using the other physical buttons (check your manual for these, because they vary by model), you can navigate the menu and perform tasks. For example, you can zoom out your Sanyo TV without a remote with these button combinations.
Sanyo TV Troubleshooting Reset
Your Sanyo TV may freeze up or experience issues and the remote does not work. Try the manual controls to sort through stations, change the input and perform basic tasks. If the manual controls do not function properly, the television itself or the network is causing problems. The remote is a handy tool for performing a full factory reset but you can still run a power cycle without any controls to reset the television and hopefully resolve temporary problems. To run the power cycle reset, unplug the television from power and wait for a few minutes. Plug back into a wall outlet to ensure the power strip is not bad. Turn on the television using the manual control panel and attempt to use the basic functions. If they are working, attempt to use or reprogram your remote control. If problems persist, consider executing a full factory reset.