How to Send Text Message as a Fax With a Cell Phone

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You can send a text message as a fax on your cell phone.

Text messaging is pretty much synonymous for communication. It has gained a lot of popularity within the last few years due to the technologies that are available in phones. Not only can you text message another person's phone, but you can also text messages one's email address. You can also text message to a specific fax machine, though it depends on the capabilities of the fax machine you are sending to. You need to verify that the fax machine has the ability to receive messages via cell phone.


Step 1

Launch text messaging within your cell phone.

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Step 2

Enter in the fax number where the ''To'' field box is. Make sure you use the area code.

Step 3

Type in your message within the text box.


Step 4

Push the ''Send'' button.

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