Although Internet service provides email, you can easily get free email accounts that don't require you to have email service. These are free email accounts that you can sign up for and use without ever having to buy Internet. You will need a place to go where you can access the Internet, like your office, your school, the library, or a local coffee house or restaurant that has Wi-Fi, so you can check your email. However, you don't need to pay for service to have email.
Step 1
Find a free email account service. There are dozens of them on the Internet. Some of them are listed below in the "References" section. You can choose any email service that you would like, as long as it is web-based and free.
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Step 2
Create an account with your free email server. Click on "new account" or "create account" and follow the on-screen prompts to create your account.
Step 3
Choose a password that is easy for you to remember, so you can check your email anywhere, but one that is hard to guess so no one will get a hold of your account information.
Step 4
Use public access computers, such as at a library, or use your own laptop computer if has wireless Internet capability, and take it to a location that offers free Internet service, such as a local coffee house.
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