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Streaming movies are movie files that exist purely on the Internet--they are never actually downloaded to your computer while you watch them. You watch them over your Internet connection, which saves space on your hard drive. The URL of a streaming movie is the physical web address where the file itself is being stored. Finding this URL is a painless task that can be completed in seconds using your web browser.
Step 1

Go to the page
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Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Go to the page that is housing the streaming video you'd like to locate the URL of.
Video of the Day
Step 2

Right-click on the streaming video
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Burke/Triolo Productions/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Right-click on the streaming video. Click "View Info."
Step 3

Find the URL address
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Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Look for the piece of information on the "View Info" screen that begins with "http://." This is the URL address of the streaming movie.
Video of the Day