How to Print Envelopes in Wordpad

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Your first instinct may be to default to Microsoft Word when you need to print an envelope, but there is another program that you can use. WordPad is a mini word-processing program included with Windows that allows you to perform basic functions with text documents. You can print envelopes quickly in a few steps using WordPad.


Step 1

Open a new document in Wordpad by pressing "File" then "New" on the main menu. Type in the return address (your name, street, city, state, and zip) first. Press "Enter" after each line of the return address, just as you would hand write the information on an envelope.


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Step 2

Press "Enter" two times after your finish typing the return address. Tab over seven times so that the cursor is at the middle of the document.

Step 3

Type in the recipient's contact name, then press "Enter" and tab over seven times once more to the same position in the document. Type in the street address. Repeat this process until the recipient's entire name and address is listed. Save the file.


Step 4

Click "File" then "Page Setup" on the main menu. Scroll through the "Paper Size" drop-down list to find "Envelope #10." Change the orientation to "Landscape." Click "OK" to confirm the new settings. Go to "File" then "Print Preview" to see how the envelope will look when printed.



Step 5

Load your printer with a regular sheet of paper first. Click "File" then "Print" on the WordPad main menu to print the sheet.

Step 6

Print the envelope file on the blank sheet of paper to see which side of the paper the envelope information prints on. It will tell you in which side of the tray (and the direction--flap to the left or right), you should load your envelope.


Step 7

Load the envelope into the printer tray and click "File" then "Print" to complete your task. Create a new WordPad file for each envelope that you want to print.

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