How to See Other People's Subscribers on YouTube

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YouTube provides privacy settings for you to control what you share.
Image Credit: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

If you have a YouTube channel, you can view a count and list of your subscribers. However, only those subscribers who have changed their default privacy setting will appear on the list. You can change your default privacy setting in your account settings, and you can also enable subscribers to see your subscriptions on your channel About page in the channel settings. When you view other people's channels, you can see a count of their subscribers, but you cannot see a list of other people's subscribers on YouTube.


View Subscriber Counts

Video of the Day

Step 1

Sign in to your account on YouTube. Click "My Subscriptions" from the list of choices in the column on the left. This will show the channels under your own subscription umbrella, making it easy to find a specific channel. You can also run a general search if you do not have a current subscription to the desired channel.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Review the list of your subscriptions that appears under the menu choice you just selected. Click one of the subscriptions to view the specific channel. Again, you can access a channel through general search functions or through your watch history.

Step 3

View the number of subscribers to the channel to the right of the channel name, which is next to the option that enables you to subscribe or unsubscribe as of the date of publication. Click "About" under the channel name, and view the total subscribers and the total number of views to the channel. This will not show the specific subscriber names but the tool is useful for gathering general data about subscribers and popularity.


View Your Subscribers

Step 1

Sign in to your account on YouTube. Click the menu triangle next to your account name and picture in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then select "My Channel."

Step 2

Click the link at the top of the page that shows the number of subscribers you have. Review the list of your subscribers who have disabled privacy on their accounts. If they have privacy controls enabled, they will not appear on the list. This means the list is not a complete view of every subscriber account.



Step 3

Subtract the subscriber count listed on this page from your total number of subscribers to view the number of subscribers with privacy enabled on their accounts. This gives you a general idea about the number of subscribers with

Enable Others View Subscriptions

Step 1

Sign in to your YouTube account. Locate your account name, and select "Settings" from the menu.


Step 2

Choose "Privacy" from the Account Settings menu in the left column of the screen.

Step 3

Click "Keep all my subscriptions private," and clear the check box to enable the authors of the channels to which you subscribe to view you as a subscriber.


About Page Views

Step 1

Open a browser and navigate to YouTube. Sign in to your account, and then select "My Channel" from the account menu.

Step 2

Click "About" from the menu in the center of the page.

Step 3

Click "Make My Subscriptions Private," and clear the check box to enable subscribers of your channel to view your subscriptions.



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